DNR Canada 2024 – News Consumption Habits in Canada

16 juin 2024 / Journalisme, Publics, Tendances
Mots-clés: Internaute, Journalisme, Médias en ligne, Médias sociaux, Numérique

In Canada, more than half (57%) of respondents to the Digital News Report (DNR) survey watch short news videos at least once a week, a practice more widespread among anglophones (59%) than francophones (48%). YouTube is the main platform for viewing news videos for the largest proportion (29%) of respondents in the country, but remains much more popular with anglophones (32%) than francophones (18%), who cite news sites and apps (29%) or Facebook (28%) in greater numbers.

You’ll find these data and much more in this document summarizing the key findings on online information practices in Canada from the 2024 DNR study.

French version of this document is also available on our website.