Digital News Report 2023 – An Overview of the Canadian Results
13 juin 2023 /
Médias en ligne,
The situation is not rosy for the news media in Canada, at least according to data from the 2023 Digital News Report (DNR) survey. A number of indicators are worrisome: payment for online news has fallen by 4 percentage points (pp) in Canada, the first decline since 2016, when we first began to collect data in the country.
Interest and trust in news are also declining. Fewer and fewer Canadians are interested in news: 80% said they were interested in 2023, down from 86% in 2021. English-speaking Canadians’ trust in most news most of the time continues to erode, dragging down the country’s results: 40% of Canadian and 37 % of Anglophone respondents trust the news, down 2 pp from 2022 in both cases and the lowest results since Canada began taking part in the survey.
Those are some of the many challenges that the news media must face at the moment.

The DNR 2023 Overview continues its annual look at news consumers’ habits and perceptions. Beyond that, it also addresses this year topics such as potential incentives to pay for online news, Canadians’ perception of publicly funded newsrooms and their opinion on algorithms as a way to select news.
A French version of this document is also available on our website.
Throughout the year, the CEM will be publishing thematic instalments on various topics studied in this survey. The first one, about online news consumption habits, is available in French and in English.